Author Topic: The Commons Forum  (Read 2395 times)


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Re: The Commons Forum
« Reply #150 on: July 11, 2014, 01:20:48 pm »
Yeah maybe, black swans notwithstanding. Ive had itpointed out to me  the latest figures reported nationwide that 3/4 employers are not planning to lose any workers and 1/4 are planning on hiring more, thats nationally.

Maybe what?   I personally have absolutely no worries about my job security.  Two of my close work companions retired from "work" in the past week..on their terms.

Some of us are fortunate to be in this position. But most are not. Now, I worked really hard to NOT be in that other group for a reason, but some folks disagree that working hard be the only answer. Unions sometimes get entangled in this debate, respect and security in exchange for time on the job, when in my experience time on the job is no guarantee of actual knowledge, or the ability to think, or improve the job or increase its efficiency. Tenure strikes me as a similar racket.

Once someone becomes comfortable with competing for...well...everything...and gets good at it...they have a tendency to like those sorts of systems rather than the "he who is here the longest wins" systems...longevity not equating with talent, and by extension, reward.

Having die hard union parents, we have interesting conversations. One problem being that I was outearning them, combined, before I was 30, and am now in what they consider the enviable position of having security and rewards without needing any organization or set of rules to protect me. Or restrict what I do, or how I do it.

Once you reach the position where you are judged on just results...and can get those results cheaper, or better, or faster, than everyone else, no one really gives a crap about how. You can. Others cannot. Pay the man, because there is no alternative.

Works for me, and should carry right through retirement age without any trouble.